Obsidian Eagle's Blasphemous Bazaar - avant-garde poetics, indie publishing, nom-de-plume

Obsidian Eagle's

Blasphemous Bazaar

META-Poems For A New Millennium

<br>META-Poems For A New Millennium<br><br>

The Flagship of Anti-Poetry — est. 2010

Pelagic Prosody

Pelagic Prosody

Cinder by shoreline, none could but some can. Echoing a ceaseless arrival, castaways deliriously repeat: shallows resurface!

At edge of Pacific, eternal meaning attained. Waves ground rocks to sand and beckoned beholder to witness: all is process.

One's life like a ship adrift archipelago of sensational obsessions. Dawn Treader seeking after the world's final isles.
Identity? A frigate capsized upon rocky shoals at low tide. A veritable flibbertigibbet caught within a whirlpool, which self-importance sustains.

Return to the ocean, in body or mind. Where our cells were first formed four eons hence. Imitate liquified spontaneity.

Sonar under profundities; a depth-charge surges through psychic tides as the secret propagation of unceasing evolution!

Sea-kayak floating atop swells, hear the sound so often heard in shells. Fear not drowning in Earth mother's amniotic flowing.

Have you ever swum at a reef whilst watching marine fauna frolic? Therein life's creative drive is evinced via plethora of colors.

Dolphins gambol in oceanic spray while mangroves lush upon the bay. Motorboats then overtake as tourists chase cetaceans away.

May the sound of surf soothe your nerves and a beach's breeze fill your nostrils. Here gulls sing of solar bounty spilling ashore . . .

Image: Name-glyph of Ahuitzotl (Water Monster), third to last Aztec Emperor.

The Mars Re-Volta (Bilingual Edition)

A lyrical tribute to those masters of musical phantasmagoria: Omar Rodriguez-López & Cedric Bixler Zavala

The Mars Re-Volta

Why do you stray from an aquiline axilla?
Out there a scirrhus sprawls unchecked
Opprobrium doesn't phase the merciless masses
So unsheathe your vorpal blade———sir knight 

Nos encontramos entre la espada y la pared

A billion suns implode sanguine
Quondam red giants extinguished
As Goliath was last amongst Nephilim
A tuatara may portend the Anunnaki

Perdemos tiempo entre nuestro primer aliento y el ultimo

Whom else could bespeak such a travesty
Without injecting simple silence?
Although wishing to defy gravity
We're caught in our own contrivance!

Que la virgen os ampare cuando intenten despertar

Sonorous allegory, asynchronous aurally
Rift riffing perfection a la Salvador Dali
Unnameable inorganic beings are rallied
Pentatonic scales can hypnotize anybody

Vamos a subyugar quienes no saben que sucede

Do not become debased by barbiturate
Your psionic potential is mighty indeed
Tame susurrations won't ever habituate
What only occurs to those with a creed

A fronte praecipitium, a tergo lupi!

Castaneda On Stilts

 Castaneda On Stilts

Cranes on the skyline
Phosphorous glow of the street lamps like stars
Traffic for silence

You see the UNSEEN and you hear the UNHEARD

The voice of each thought unrelenting
Extraneous description abounds
To which does the subject surrender?

WORDS have more power than we dare to FEAR

Superimposed comes the weight of our meaning
Memory amounts to mentality (in a limited scope)
Blinded to the realm of impossibility

Do not question the METHOD—simply study the MADNESS

This is the heart of Not-Doing
Acting, Dancing, Singing
All integral parts of Stalking the Dreamer

During every WAKING moment of the STILLNESS

Controlled folly at its finest:
Behaviour alters mind and mind brings forth behaviour
So state your purpose with conviction

For unbending INTENT realigns the Eagle's EMANATIONS

Thus, it is the intensity and integrity (indeed the frequency)
Of one's personal Tonal
Which determines

What aspects of the NAGUAL will become accessible to a WARRIOR

Because Warriors must aspire to all-encompassing awareness

Until the day their death arrives...

Epigrammatic Epitaph (Now w/ PodCast)

Epigrammatic Epitaph

This is a test, of the Emergency Broadcast System
If you have smokes then go ahead and light them
(Just not in front the children)

Now it's time to fasten your seat belt
Ice always gets more slippery
Before it starts to melt

When speaking about art
Please exercise caution
The edges of a signifier are incredibly sharp

Beware encroaching vowels
Skulking within your skull
Pouncing quietly like owls

Trespassing onto these premises
Triggers an alarm
Signaling internal authorities

In case of emerging seas
Submerge awareness beneath
Singularity of symbols

Representation not to scale
Do not exceed prescribed dose
Suggested servings for sale

Medical ingredient: Morpheme
May cause lucidity or obscurity
Contains 100% recommended daily Meme

No proper nouns were harmed
In the production of
Such self-referential smarm

This has been a test of the Emergency Broadcast System
If you have jokes then go ahead and tell them
(Unless they are aimed at a victim)

Hear It Read Aloud by the Author:

AnswerS (w/ PodCast)


Chaos is freedom
Order restricts
Form is a limit
Void, the escape.
Apathy's balanced
Concern, an extreme.
Fantasy lives
While reality dreams.

The search is in vain;
To cease is to find.
The thinker is stumped
The observer is blind.
The soul is an ego
One's body, a mind.

Being is empty
Yet existence still sacred
Corruption goes clothed
And all virtue lies naked ...
Passion is searing
Love soothing 'til calm.
"Nothing is holy"
Makes any song a psalm.

Equally valid when reversed are these truths:
Vice-versa is law—as each lie has its use.

Image: Moebius Strip by MC Escher.

Hear It Read Aloud by the Author:



* Except on Wall of Worthies
whereon rights are retained by respective authors.