Obsidian Eagle's Blasphemous Bazaar - avant-garde poetics, indie publishing, nom-de-plume

Obsidian Eagle's

Blasphemous Bazaar

META-Poems For A New Millennium

<br>META-Poems For A New Millennium<br><br>

The Flagship of Anti-Poetry — est. 2010

Black Flag - Obsidian Eagle

Black Flag - Obsidian Eagle

The Bald Eagle of your forefathers has come to represent
Those exploitative and treacherous oligarchs in the White House.
Stars their military might; Stripes are but bars locking society tight.

Banks act as cathedrals for Capital:
Dollar, Pound and Euro are its Eucharists.
Stock brokers and lenders? A priesthood of vendors!

So take to the streets and fly black banners high —
Remind them that Revolution is a thorn at their side >
Freedom is as good a reason as to why many have died.

This darkest of Eagles shall soar with you then
Anarchic flags its feathers upon the wind...
They would have our wills bend, but we Will focus like Zen!



* Except on Wall of Worthies
whereon rights are retained by respective authors.