Obsidian Eagle's Blasphemous Bazaar - avant-garde poetics, indie publishing, nom-de-plume

Obsidian Eagle's

Blasphemous Bazaar

META-Poems For A New Millennium

<br>META-Poems For A New Millennium<br><br>

The Flagship of Anti-Poetry — est. 2010

Hooray For Sluts!

Hooray For Sluts!

Cynics should define Pornography thus:
Unsubtle orchestration of on-screen violation.

Divine nymphs given over to beastly men's pleasures...
Lurid scenes arousing one's attention
While capitalizing on intention.
For Sappho's sake, rewrite the measures!

In dominance dynamics between master and slave
Will to power seduces will to life.
Extramarital relations with someone's husband or wife?
Polyamory crumbles monogamy's cave!

Our fertility goddess is generous
Beyond any reasonable belief
Providing each his relief
From a sensual hunger so onerous.

Aphrodite's daughters are all votaries of Eros
Joined in orgiastic sport with goatish Pan.
Hermaphroditus is half woman and half man
Whilst loving younger lads was once known as Eromenos.

So let's hear it for those titillating temptresses willing to take it for we teeming masses —
Turning on us lusty voyeurs by baring their luscious breasts and bawdy asses!

You Little Cam-Whore You . . .

You Little Cam-Whore You . . .

Getting hit on "online" by like, twenty desperate guys

Knowing she's the focus of so many pairs of eyes

At least out in cyberspace, such a woman is a prize

But even in this ocean there are fish that just won't bite

Subdued would-be suitors — low on awe but high on spite

Who will not cross the start line for attractions based on sight

Some don't get over others — some can't overcome themselves

Most ignore the rules and end up in private hells

Though no pretty face is worth whatever dignity one sells

Image: Sexy Robot #12 by Hajime Sorayama.

At ~ Z ~ Nightclub

At ~Z~ Nightclub

All the single ladies hit the dance floor at Z nightclub
Every macho man tries to squeeze in for a rub
Evolutionary psych is at play beneath the black light
Skins bare and courtships flare, beaming neon smiles so bright

Countless different voices clamor for attention
Men and women crave each other's validation
Girls flaunt sensuality; boys try to break the tension
Hips swing and heads swim—with wild anticipation

Loudspeakers deafen while vision is goggled by booze
Arms flail upward as inhibitions are set loose
Mania overtakes when inhibitions become reduced
Society sheds civility for carnality's caboose

DJ priests of Techno spin out another break
Everything is given for those who want to take
One feels like it's a dream although clearly wide awake
Shuffling to the rhythm, happy feet produce a quake

Cameras flash to catch partygoer poses
Fish lips, duck face, tilted necks and turned up noses
Lasers cut through dry ice and vapor doses
Fleeting moments frozen by those who chose this

It all happens at Z nightclub ~ every weekend ~ everywhere
Why pursue more meaning ~ if it's plain and simple there?

Back In The Arms of Eve

Back In The Arms of Eve

Waking up on a bed of beachside rocks
Under the dissolving clouds of an effervescent sun
He can feel it happening again, though it seems a new beginning
As he senses her aura behind him within this Holocene
Whence she offers him the fruit forbidden by their Creator —
Now snap out of it Adam!

Go ahead, taste and be rewarded
Open your eyes then seize the dove
Wrapped in the electrifying arms of woman
When you both feel it, there will be no both of you to talk about
And you’ll notice that nothing and no one else exists there either
Because during those brief instants our duality is breached
One can engulf the whole of creation
With a bio-nuclear reaction
Known as LOVE.



* Except on Wall of Worthies
whereon rights are retained by respective authors.