Obsidian Eagle's Blasphemous Bazaar - avant-garde poetics, indie publishing, nom-de-plume

Obsidian Eagle's

Blasphemous Bazaar

META-Poems For A New Millennium

<br>META-Poems For A New Millennium<br><br>

The Flagship of Anti-Poetry — est. 2010

Irrelephantitis (w/ Podcast)

Author's Note: This piece is an Antipoetic follow-up to Kathleen Radigan's original Irrelephant.


May the court hear out this litigant
And find rolling rhymes quite resonant.
In case there is any contaminant
Cause and effect might be concomitant.
So if you feel vexed by an irritant
Judge whose thoughts are dominant:
Those of the people's President
Or yourself, a hapless celebrant?

Let's try to stay pertinent
Although nothing can rest permanent.
Stagnant water tastes acrid; aberrant
From poison well dug by the petulant.
Counteract avec des mots magniloquent
Lest somebody think us ignorant.
We the jury figure one defendant
Isn't sufficiently militant to prove significant!

¿Specimen frequently tangential and insolent
Totally dependent like diabetics on insulin
Discipline using strict regimen until excellent
¡Everything evident renders verdict relevant

Image: Tolkien's Oliphant (a.k.a. Mumakil) by StockmanArt.

Hear It Read Aloud by the Author:



The Eternal Moment is back!

New and improved as ever before

Relucent splendour blinds third eye
Dreams and daylight interchangeable

Parallel existence multiplying all around us

Only the most perceptive people can see it
Undivided among merely apparent multiplicity

Magnificent Monad splintered in fractal infinity

Universal memory stretched beyond spacetime

Everything is obvious to anyone lit from within.
Rational answers for uncouth creatures acting civil?

Such minds are secondary to silent Will at work
Any mystic sage or skilled sophist knows

That rarefied Truth puts an onus on us observers

We are the coauthors of our assumed Reality

Heroes, rascals and zeroes: typecast tropes

Arbitrary labels define how society evolves

Don't fall for shadows playing on cave wall

Even believing your own story is suspect

Doubt logical assertions as illogical ones

Flip switches, push buttons, recalculate

Having plotted a course — cast off now

Drifting past present and future until

Reaching an ageless continent

Always living; constant instant!

Author's Note: If you enjoyed this piece, then you might want to take a look at its poetic 'sequel': Asomatous



* Except on Wall of Worthies
whereon rights are retained by respective authors.