Notes To Self At Work
The trick is to appear occupied
no matter how little there actually is to do.
Mind-numbing tasks lend themselves well to auto-pilot
but there are those times when one has to idle
while simultaneously seeming busy ...
Slacking really is harder as some say;
it's what many companies deserve for how little they pay.
The Peter Principle runs rampant, in one or another way.
no matter how little there actually is to do.
Mind-numbing tasks lend themselves well to auto-pilot
but there are those times when one has to idle
while simultaneously seeming busy ...
Slacking really is harder as some say;
it's what many companies deserve for how little they pay.
The Peter Principle runs rampant, in one or another way.
So let's play at work
Let's work at play
Such arts are lost
This age and day
Don't dither-dabble
Nor trail the rabble
Cut cork and cost
Scribble with scrabble
Rude ranting riddle
Brooks down our middle
Pick up a fiddle
It's time to diddle!
In all seriousness, true human esprit requires much more than these material means.
Adversity plus dire risk
have ever driven men and women toward fulfillment, success, and victory.
Blood simmers due to circumstance, although it was once kindled through passion.
Soul seethes within this body biting on its own tongue
(a fiery bird may soon rise ashen).
Only the most desperately lost follow after another's fashion!
Ending Senryu:
(a fiery bird may soon rise ashen).
Only the most desperately lost follow after another's fashion!
Ending Senryu:
An anthill swarming
With manic activity;
Looking glass glistens.
Box factory blues
Methodical madness rules;
Bosses be wanton.
Corporate hive buzz
Until close of business day.
Money makes people.