"I am a misanthrope and yet utterly benevolent, have more than one screw loose yet am a super-idealist who digests philosophy more efficiently than food."
~ Alfred Nobel
Misanthropic Principles
Like many other manners unbecoming to the mass
Misanthropy is misunderstood as a half glass.
It isn't always driven by fundamental hate
But rather by an aversion to what most are apt to imitate.
Fitting in isn't important to us curmudgeons, antisocial.
Lambs may play it safe; rams break through barriers quite crucial.
While everybody else will take the given at face value
Our eyes shall analyze until they find which facts stand true.
Nothing novel was ever wrought with complacent hands.
No new vale gets discovered if you're content in your own lands.
Real artists must detach from what the crowd believes it knows.
Pioneers explore forever; outgoing despite naysayers noes!