Kensho: A Zen term indicating insight into the nature of one's own being———sometimes contrasted with permanent absorption into Satori (enlightenment).
Makyo: Hallucinations that arise naturally during the course of meditative practice.
Mudra: Ritual hand-gestures employed in Buddhist Tantra and Yoga. They also relate directly to dancing.
Madya: Ceremonial intoxicants such as Bhang (cannabis) or Soma wine consumed as adjuncts to Tantric practice.
Midnight Kensho & Makyo TV
Some Mudra to go with your Madya?
From here we bend past dead ends———
The Sphinx hast run out of riddles
Whilst we follow hollow trends
Sublunar prophets of carnal salvation
May this mammal surpass Mythos
A reptilian agenda is fulfilled when
An Ouroboros stretches throughout our Nous.
Seek thee out that Tithy Tove
Misspelled by Jabberwocky rules.
Iconic Cheshire grin bespoke:
Trust tricksters, not wry fools!
There is no subtle substitute
For physical movement at present
So tune into inaudible music
And flip on your light fluorescent
The dead of night comes to enliven
A lurid lapse amid introspection
As patterns dissolve blissfully
Alike silver screen projection
Afterthought: A Sigil is syllogistic on purpose in pretension; prying third-eye open via syllabic implication...
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