Author's Note: This piece is the sister-poem to: Logos Prophorikos.
Logos Endiathetos
Far enough back, during ages interred beneath historical sediment
Mankind hailed the transcendent, immanent Godhead
By regarding nature with an utmost degree of respect.
Mountains, forests, oceans, lakes and streams were held sacrosanct.
Likewise, animals were considered divine harbingers and close kith
While innocence afforded us glimpses of ineffable absolutes.
Still, it gradually came to pass that men grew leery of each other...
Avaricious and fratricidal, they turned against one another
Christening barbarism a new virtue.
Yea, from that time forth every war has involved
Pillaging rival nations, ravaging their virgins, and torturing captives.
Having shed all compassion for his fellow hominids
Homo Erectus went on to domineer wild beasts
Touted "Steward of Earth" by vainglorious priests.
Homo Habilis followed suit; inventing flint implements
Which at first served as tools and then later as armaments
When Cro-Magnon slew Neanderthal, clearing way for we Sapiens.
Such were the days of our youth, obscured now by pretended civility.
For we're loathe to admit that we've hardly hit puberty
Believing that we scale the very peaks of humanity.
Adept with legalese and the boons of technology
Yet inept in affairs that require any sympathy.
Knowing naught about providence but presumptuous theology
And estranged from the blatantly obvious reality:
To venerate one's own neighbor—is quintessentially holy!
The veil has been rent in the Sanctum Sanctorum
(little hope is there left for regaining decorum).
Lo, a world midst its throes of thermal shockwave alarum!