Obsidian Eagle's Blasphemous Bazaar - avant-garde poetics, indie publishing, nom-de-plume

Obsidian Eagle's

Blasphemous Bazaar

META-Poems For A New Millennium

<br>META-Poems For A New Millennium<br><br>

The Flagship of Anti-Poetry — est. 2010

The Nexus of The Next

The Nexus of The Next

What's next? Who's next? Where to next?
We're caught ever in "The Next"!
Though our landscape is always shifting
There is none thus come nor gone.

Solipsistic lapses undergoing therapy.
Palpitating fixity upon imaginary center.
Prehensile cogitation clutches straws —
Solidified Reality? Inadequate descriptors!

Latter day prophets predict doom;
Wise canonical inscriptions go unheard.
Disillusion becomes par for the course.
Wistful meaningless rhetoric bores...

Where to next? Who's next? What's next?
Flounder clever yet perplexed.
Sought but not found within text:
A moving landmass, unannexed!

 [ May wit lend levity when gravity weighs down our ways ]

Don't be shy, REPLY!



* Except on Wall of Worthies
whereon rights are retained by respective authors.