Obsidian Eagle's Blasphemous Bazaar - avant-garde poetics, indie publishing, nom-de-plume

Obsidian Eagle's

Blasphemous Bazaar

META-Poems For A New Millennium

<br>META-Poems For A New Millennium<br><br>

The Flagship of Anti-Poetry — est. 2010

Vulcan Vectors

Vulcan Vectors

There are those among us
Who argue logically while
Suppressing strong feelings.

Yet our choices in wording
Reflect underlying emotions;
Biases and prejudices seep out ...

Spilling between coded lines.
And everyone except the speaker
Catches on to that dishonest drift.

A speech is much more than the mere sum
Of its constituent clauses. True though
They may sound when professing one's point.

Anyone who takes all that's said at face value
Clearly lacks analytical skills and faculties
For critical thinking (what's unsaid matters too).

These are some reasons why Kolinahr makes sense;
Being rather similar to terrestrial Buddhist meditation —
Mindfulness is the key to temper one's temperament.

Otherwise the logical Vulcan mindset breaks down
Degenerating into "Romulan Ruling Passion".
The results of each approach are predictable:

Indulging in notions of an ego-driven honor system
Often leads to conflict with competing egoists
And cyclical violence has a tendency to set in.

Whereas logicians learn to adopt
Even measures of empathy
Vis-a-vis "Mind-Melds"!

Image: Evil Spock reads Bones McCoy's mind in the classic Star Trek episode 'Mirror Mirror'.

Don't be shy, REPLY!



* Except on Wall of Worthies
whereon rights are retained by respective authors.