Obsidian Eagle's Blasphemous Bazaar - avant-garde poetics, indie publishing, nom-de-plume

Obsidian Eagle's

Blasphemous Bazaar

META-Poems For A New Millennium

<br>META-Poems For A New Millennium<br><br>

The Flagship of Anti-Poetry — est. 2010

The Bright Side of Kali

Note: Kali is Shiva’s female counterpart and is considered the ultimate destroyer because her power represents the inescapable march of time.  Although her name means ‘black one’, Sri Ramakrishna once said: “She appears black because She is viewed from a distance; but when intimately known She is no longer so.”

The Bright Side of Kali

There are times when she appears in dreams 
Either donning the masks of bygone lovers 
Or revealing a luminous visage 
Her very presence gives fulfillment 
Her silent voice calls through the void 
When thou art pressed against that bosom  
Manifestation be destroyed
Atman cremated on her altar 
Baptized in light, so overjoyed!

She is embodied by every woman 
But too few women ever wake her
For who can hope to mirror Kalis'
All-encompassing allure?

2 Bold Responses

Unknown said...

With respect - the poetry is more beautiful than the image!

Malta Goddess said...

Beautiful cheri!



* Except on Wall of Worthies
whereon rights are retained by respective authors.