Author's Note: For information on the Pagan roots of Christmas, this brief but insightful article is recommended: The Shamanic Origins of Christmas.
Or, for a more in-depth and very eye-opening look, this documentary spells it out perfectly: The Pharmacratic Inquisition.
Bah, Humbug! (An Xmas Anti-Poem)
Hum·bug (noun):
1. Something intended to delude or deceive.
2. The quality of falseness or deception.
3. A person who is not what he or she claims or pretends to be; an impostor.
4. Something devoid of sense or meaning; nonsense: a humbug of technical jargon.
1. Something intended to delude or deceive.
2. The quality of falseness or deception.
3. A person who is not what he or she claims or pretends to be; an impostor.
4. Something devoid of sense or meaning; nonsense: a humbug of technical jargon.
- I -
You see, Santa's just another version of the man in the sky;
A magical equation on which they bank for us to buy.
Despite crisis and recession — let childhood desires fly!
Long-standing tradition isn't something we question, why?
- II -
Because the unthinking parent offering their offspring to that secular idol at the mall isn't really doing it for the youngster (who'd be better off given proper guidance) BUT to satisfy their own inner child.
They repeat a cycle of indoctrination into Capitalist customs: Preparing another generation of consumers for dwindling resources (which could run out before we realize it).
- III -
Keep going, it's fine
This world has always been thus
Overbrimming with stupidity
Without shortage of cupidity
Keep towing party line
Present is blessed as future cussed
The dead are unaccountable
For their Humbug, insurmountable!