Obsidian Eagle's Blasphemous Bazaar - avant-garde poetics, indie publishing, nom-de-plume

Obsidian Eagle's

Blasphemous Bazaar

META-Poems For A New Millennium

<br>META-Poems For A New Millennium<br><br>

The Flagship of Anti-Poetry — est. 2010


Idiolect (n) Linguistics: a person's individual speech pattern.


Blessed be the Dialectic

Balanced as it is eclectic.

Boorish masses are dyslectic;

Bombast makes them apoplectic.

Blight of seizures — epileptic!

Yes these "deets" are emblematic of

Young minstrels so melodramatic, lacking love.

Youth's slack strings sound problematic to old sloth

Yet here we brew thick stew in idiomatic lewdness broth...

Your hand raised a la Socratic? Couldn't catch Homer with a baseball glove!

Halves And Half Knots

Halves And Half Knots

One step forward, two steps back.

Fish out of water; gills gasp amid air!

Voice speaks over intercom—but nobody is listening.

So easily foreseeable | yet somehow unavoidable.

Excellent idea: mediocre execution.

Talked to those tits because they had no brains.

Caught backhanded compliments coming from the peanut gallery.

Being misunderstood 
ç'est la vie d'artiste

~ Knot for lack of trying ≈ made a very tangled effort ≋

Can't lose 'em all (still rarin' to win).

Hope falls eternal while this wily fox hungers

As le lapin slips through loopholes and loose ends within the briar patch ...

Image: Br'er Fox watches Br'er Rabbit get away through the thicket.


"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise."  
~ Proverbs 6:6


Dali and Escher both depicted thee true.

Thy red brethren bore away the last of the Buendias.

Vedic scriptures equate ye with former Indras.

Thou art also mentioned in the canon of Buddha Dharma.

Aesop contrasted thine industriousness to the grasshopper's frivolousness.

Aldous' big brother Julian Huxley wrote the book on these.

Leiningen was hardly an even match for them.

H.G. Wells knew their empire all too well.

Every Emmet, is one, but doesn't know it.

They do go marching ten by ten—then the little one stops to announce: "The End!"

Images: Ant by M.C. Escher [1943] (top) & The Ants by Salvador Dali [1929] (bottom). Both tinted blue only herein.

For more on Ants, see: Formidable Formicidae.

Rickety Rope Bridge

Rickety Rope Bridge

Mustn't forget YOU

Aren't worth fretting over

Haul the trash out tonight

Strike flint by blue moon glow

Reflected across serene waters

Ship down among sunken treasure

These moments they flee

Mark it on new calendar:

Yesterday—we went our separate ways

~(STOP)~ time! Sunrise reveals

The charred trestles of a crossing

Under which tamed ponies wild about

Face it, we're past reconciling

Such differences when walking

The smoldering gangplanks.

Outdated References

Outdated References

Those of us who grew up during analog days may recall that "Reality Television" wasn't a thing prior to the O.J. Simpson murder trial.

Common knowledge centered around the anarchic hotbed that was Waco, TX — where Koresh and his branch Davidians went up in flames when ATF and FBI stormed the compound.

Hence did Timothy McVeigh exact retribution in Oklahoma City with the largest domestic bombing preceding 9/11. Back then terror tended to be homegrown (before the state took charge as at present).

They were such times that Ted Kaczynski's mad ploy to draw attention to his "Unabomber Manifesto" dominated the headlines.

Anyway it was tough afterward to follow the heinous acts of one Jeffrey Dahmer (found guilty of cannibalism, to say but the least).

And who could forget Lorena Bobbitt cutting off her husband's manhood? Though it was surgically reattached and she acquitted by pleading temporary insanity.

Seriously, even an Olympic figure skater had gotten her hands dirty: Tonya Harding sent her man to club rival Nancy Kerrigan's leg.

Given these circumstances, we too might have wished that comet Hale-Bopp was indeed hiding an alien spacecraft coming to take us home; like the Heaven's Gate suicide cult.

It wasn't ALL BAD of course...  Woodstock '94 was a relatively chilled out relapse into late 60's grooving. Unfortunately, it was overshadowed by the more notorious Woodstock '99. However, that's another story from a former time!

Contentious & Pretentious

Contentious & Pretentious

The difference between us is that you tend to find only a single meaning when reading any Gibbon word. Where's your ear for homophony, and your eye for elision? Sometimes more is said through an act of omission. A real Logophile eats obscure words for breakfast as well as every other repast. Xenophobia is often grounded in fearing foreign languages; intellectual insecurity characterizes minor minds. After all, such folk rarely think about the parts of speech inherent to their own mother tongue. They wouldn't even know the difference between adverb and verb if you asked them. Why? Because they take the Howe for granted. It's tough to tell what's similar when you never dare to compare. Humble your big old Self and take this strange advice: 

Challenge the limits of conventional thinking by paying close attention to any other way of speaking — whether it be in film, song, or out on the street. Understanding isn't what's most important, but rather the loosening of one's conceit. That's that... these theses incomplete ≋ ≈ ~

Keep It Occult

Occult (adj):
1. of or relating to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies.
2. beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious.
3. secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated.
4. hidden from view.
5. not apparent on mere inspection but discoverable by experimentation.
of a nature not understood, as physical qualities or dealing with such qualities; experimental: occult science.

Keep It Occult

'twas first hidden for good reason:
the crude can ne'er comprehend
since they're too mean to achieve a higher end.

Secret societies and mystery schools
came about to escape persecution
from dogmatic decrees dealing execution.

Store-bought crystals won't provide insight;
they've been tainted by greed of neopagan parasite.

The religion of too many isn't worth a pretty penny.
Spirituality is a private affair with infinity
(don't dilute Deus with terrene toxicity).

Theurgy predates institutional clergy
millennia before any written memory.
Whittle away false ceremony like emery.

Let's take it back down underground.
Yes 'twas lost but now 'tis _____.
Hear here, comes high time to expound...

≋ Exclusivity ≈ be our righteous proclivity ~

Images: Angelic & Human Sigils.



Up to snuff on the canon
ever since the series' inception.

Watched a trio of films fashioned after
the literary trilogy, three times, in 3D
(but read every book years before cinematic debut).

Fanboy fawning over fiction
avidly awaits memorabilia and merchandise;
cultural baubles induce idolatrous fascination.

Raised by the capital
as another man-child filled with yearning
for a time that never was in fantasy lands.

"Did you see the new trailer?"
"OMG — its looks amazing!"
"Let's all go watch it on opening night..."

Real life is too boring anyway:
its bland narrative has become predictable.
Around here, there are no superheroes to save the day!

Satirical Infographic courtesy of Dorkly.


Note: If you don't catch the reference, see: WIRED.


What's that got to do with the price of tea in China?

If you wish to stay atop the rolling ball
then take your eye off the blue birdie.

Presidential marmalade is spread too thick
throughout the Blogosphere;
it's gumming up the gears
and has everyone humming the same tune . . .

Speak not the name of biggest T!

Overcome the need to neurotically: 
* press, swipe, tap-tap-tap *

World's most prestigious office

Typo — 
crosses a boundary to be canonized.

Fence Jumper

Fence Jumper

Refused to take a side.

But grass is always greener

Over there — and besides

Have sat too long at centre

Of the twister.

Snuck back and forth

Between both camps

To explore either extreme;

Biparty scout unwelcome

Wherever logic is lean.

Neither coterie can claim

To be totally correct:

They must agree to disagree

Out of begrudged respect.

Skip, skip, skip to our Lou all the same!

Dirty Talk Cock Tale

"Sex is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other.

In order to know virtue, we must first acquaint ourselves with vice." 

~ Le Marquis de Sade

Dirty Talk Cock Tale

Aw yes ... * lewd noises in the nude *

Take it all the way deep inside

You beautiful bitch;

Sweet little slut!

Cum and get it girl,

Open wide nasty baby,

Work that wondrous butt!

Grind the monkey's organ

~ Teasing and titillating ~

Camera eye catches smut!

Gulp down gobs of goo  —

It's naught but good clean fun

On which we libertines do glut!



Not actually a nice guy,

Just play one in real life.

Killer instinct on the sly;

Prepared at any time for strife.

Antisocial \ corner cutter \

Bifurcating hidden agendas

Like a hot knife through butter!

Neither sugar coats nor Splendas ®

Look at this camera shy weirdo

Who thinks awkward silences are golden.

Never mind disheveled hairdo —

Let his letters right you: emboldened.

Those who don't get it aren't deserving

Thirsty though they be for comprehension.

Most will find these verbs unnerving,

If they can clear the first declension!

Retired From Society

Retired From Society

Deactivated Facebook™ page.

Still held in thrall by digital age.

Scanned bars code [commercial cage].

Consumer stuck at final stage.

Would sooner return to nature's sage.

Salve road rash — quell internal rage.

Wroth left behind, as brain doth disengage.

Unassailable and inaccessible; an aloof mage.

Made immune to viral videos via META macrophage.

Thought contagion runs human race "RAMPAGE"!

Only through dissociation can one assuage

The war of words, which our wicked world wishes to wage ...



More rated R than XXX

Or any synapses superseded by sex.

Restraint prevents all of life's wrecks.

Et qualis rex, talis grex

Hits up doubles, then it checks ...

Like a con job of latent lex—

—icography. Vowels vex!

Walls erect to stave off what's next (?)

Cause things become rather complex

As culmination crowns authored apex.

Make no mistake; pay your respects.

To the astros shalt we undertake / treks /

Image: Vintage Telex Ad [in negative].

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum [ Latin, n. ]: Also known as: Greeked text, blind text, placeholder text, dummy content, filler text, lipsum, and mock-content.

Lorem Ipsum

MEDIA capta ferum victorem cepit ...

(Lingua Franca narrat mendacium semper).

Credat judaeus Apella, non ego!

Iuventus stultorum magister —

Mutatis Mutandis; varietas delectac.

Bis dicere: docendo discimus.

Ven, nescis cui bono?

Nemo enim potest personam diu ferre.

Inter arma enim silent leges.

Sapere quis in culpa —

Nicto ergo suum cuique ;)

Nosce te Ipsum!

Bird-Tribe Incarnate

"There are many names for us. We have been called angels, Bird Tribes, higher selves, Hoksedas, spirits of the stars. The reality of what we are is more than a name can convey...

As the new information society bubbles over into global spiritual awakening, we come to join with our human egos on a scale unprecedented in all of history...

People turn once again to the Great Spirit who is the source of all information. Rapidly in some, gradually in others, our egos discover their appropriate roles in the communication of this new awareness. And there is naturally distortion at first. But in the explosion of consciousness, it is soon purified. Our spirits incarnate in ever growing numbers. Distortion diminishes. Truth spreads. And how beautiful it is!

Invite the Bird Tribes into your awareness. Make a home for eternal spirit in your heart…

The process of relaxing all thoughts that require tension to sustain them is a process of relaxing habits of the past and awakening to the reality of your own spiritual presence...

Crude primitive symbolism, these letters on a page, but a beginning. For as you sense the reality behind these words, and follow the direction of our thought, there is movement in your life. You leave the cave of history’s deceit and enter the sunlit garden that has ever been your true home..."

~ from Return of The Bird Tribes by Ken Carey.

Bird-Tribe Incarnate

Incarcerated behind biological bars.
Condemned to serve out a life sentence
Scrounging for scraps at the bottom of Abzu.

Have passed through very many times before
Since days when Enuma Elish was pressed
Into cuneiform tablets by primeval scribes.
Trying to pave a path upward from dying.

Been seen differently by each subsequent society
But always held fast to these wings
[Tattered and torn though they are
After countless confrontations].

Baptized by Inquisitor's blazes;
Perennial pariah to perceived races.
You shall know us as we leave traces
Which will bring back ALL unto gaudy graces!

Post hoc shock:

Prepare for Ascension perpetually.
Pay attention, please cease being petty.
At this rate — you may never be ready.
Abandon your nest and flap feathers against an aerial eddy ...

Image: Apkallu from Sumerian temple relief (circa 883-858 BC).



Pay heed to its TONE

The elision is lone

To illusion we're prone

These allusions — they drone.

Let's take time out then hone

What was once set in stone;

Hew right through to the bone ...

Sibylline like a crone

An unexpected cyclone

Away you've been blown!

Laggard's Lament:

The sun shone, moon had none.

Standoffish as any gang toting many a gun

Serious thinkers must lighten up and have fun.

You can't lift verse silly (no duh) it weighs a TON.

Image: Cover art for The Interzone Mantras by The Tea Party portraying Siva, the Hindu Deva, dancing jovially.

Counter-Culture Failure

"And as this fake world grew, all of us went along with it, because the simplicity was reassuring. Even those who thought they were attacking the system — the radicals, the artists, the musicians, and our whole counterculture — actually became part of the trickery. Because they too had retreated into the make-believe world, which is why their opposition has no effect and nothing ever changes."

~ Adam Curtis; prologue to HyperNormalisation

Counter-Culture Failure

Artists have become complicit with the spectacular aspects of commodification. All talents are now coopted in service to capitalistic enterprise.

Fatalistic as it may sound, there isn't any chance for an effective revolution to overthrow this system ... Its roots reach too deep into the collective unconscious.

Inertial tendencies have been inculcated in us since infancy. Everybody's parents and even grandparents were ensnared long before our arrival.

The nature of the beast is such that it has already assimilated any resistance to its preponderance well beforehand.

Dissenting voices find themselves drowning among a cacophony of competing choruses. Yet national anthems still define the terms of engagement.

Fine art is presently naught but skillful seduction; a well-polished reflector obfuscated by wispy vapor.

Its finest offerings adorn the towering edifice of traditionalist establishment. Hollywood holds sway over the untrained mind.

Glamour and glitter bedazzle beholders more than Huxley's 'Moksha-Medicine'. Banality brings spectators together, while larger than life superstars subvert their individuality.

Such impressionable peons get ground under industrial gears set in motion to demolish public doubts:

"Keep your faith in wealthy figureheads, because they must surely know what's best for society's collective investiture!"

Related Readings:

Spectre of The Spectacle

"Understood in its totality, the spectacle is both the result and the project of the dominant mode of production. It is not a mere decoration added to the real world. It is the very heart of this real society’s unreality. In all of its particular manifestations — news, propaganda, advertising, entertainment — the spectacle represents the dominant model of life. It is the omnipresent affirmation of the choices that have already been made in the sphere of production and in the consumption implied by that production. In both form and content the spectacle serves as a total justification of the conditions and goals of the existing system. The spectacle also represents the constant presence of this justification since it monopolizes the majority of the time spent outside the production process."  

~ Guy Debord; The Society of The Spectacle (1.6)

Spectre of The Spectacle

It's a whale of a tale

And it swallows us whole:

Spewing up our worst parts

During low tide onto a shoal.

Lies give rise to a paradox

Lying patient in wait.

Eyes spy news from FOX

Gravitas loses weight.

Yet you follow like a flunky

Lackluster as any lackey.

Roll over boy, play dead;

Butter up our daily cred.

They just cut into your jam —

Protests now won't seal the dam.

So sick and tired of this gore ...

Not going to take it anymore!

Paraphrasing (for dummies):

In every time and place throughout human history, people have been beguiled by outward appearances. Despite how often our wise ones stress that "things aren't always as they seem", the point rarely sinks in under the surface.

Never has this been truer than at present (although this is also ever the case). There is an implicit assumption that if an authority figure says something on television or via Twitter then it can be taken at face value. A subconscious supposition held tacit by the ignorant but articulated by Debord: "What is good appears. What appears is good."

Such willful ignorance of academia, historical causes, science, statistics, etc. are at an all time high because the species is held in thrall by its own fanciful projections. Entire generations have been and continue being born into this mire of deception and delusion.

Few and far between are the earnest seekers who cross-reference and research multiple sources; not merely what they like or wish to hear. Fewer still are those who recognize that our memetic machinery requires nothing short of a thoroughgoing overhaul.

May tomorrow's youth succeed in overthrowing Mammon once and for all!



* Except on Wall of Worthies
whereon rights are retained by respective authors.