Obsidian Eagle's Blasphemous Bazaar - avant-garde poetics, indie publishing, nom-de-plume

Obsidian Eagle's

Blasphemous Bazaar

META-Poems For A New Millennium

<br>META-Poems For A New Millennium<br><br>

The Flagship of Anti-Poetry — est. 2010

Hymn For Quetzalcoatl

Hymn For Quetzalcoatl

Come Toltec Pharaoh
Arrive and take your place 
Among the figureheads of destiny
Apply your bird's-eye-view
To reinterpret history
All learning is remembering
How to reconcile the Real 
Unto an Ideal
Uniting Physics & Metaphysics
In that transcendental matrimony
Foretold by William Blake
And attained through Tantric alchemy

When Apollo melds into Dionysus
Odin rejoins his blood brother Loki
And Shiva is as one with Shakti
Then the Feathered Serpent can't be far off
Accompanied by his dark, bloodthirsty twin
Tezcatlipoca; smoking mirror

So come now Toltec Pharaoh
Descended from Atlantis
Born to wield
Jaguar's brutal strength
In perfect balance with
Eagle's atemporal vision

Your people await ...

Minor Arcana: Ace of Swords (Quetzalcoatl is an aerial deity after all).

3 Bold Responses

ThoseThr3Words-Claire said...

Wonderfully grand and inspiring, a rich invocation. I admire how you interweave the myths of several cultures. The Aztec imagery is beautiful, 'the smoking mirror'..read this to my son, Owen, who has just been commissioned to paint a quetzal bird. very inspiring!


Obsidian Eagle said...

Thank you Claire, I really appreciate that. I saw many Quetzal birds up close when I was last in Costa Rica - they are fantastic creatures and it is no wonder that the ancient Mayans used their feathers as a form of currency. Would like to see the painting when it is done!

human being said...

so powerful...

this force is summoned from within...

really like the way you write... so unwordly... calling forth all the elements of the cosmos...

thanks for your comment on FoS...directing me to this amazing corner of the world...

best wishes



* Except on Wall of Worthies
whereon rights are retained by respective authors.