Obsidian Eagle's Blasphemous Bazaar - avant-garde poetics, indie publishing, nom-de-plume

Obsidian Eagle's

Blasphemous Bazaar

META-Poems For A New Millennium

<br>META-Poems For A New Millennium<br><br>

The Flagship of Anti-Poetry — est. 2010

Seres Alzados (Special Spanish Edition w/ PodCast)

"Angeles son poderes escondidos dentro los organos y faculdades del hombre." ~ Ibn Al 'Arabi, Gran Maestro de los Sufis

Seres Alzados

~ I ~

No temo a nada ni a nadie
Sea que ande paseando
Por las avenidas de San Salvador
O sobre los muros en Machu Picchu
Ahi voy, con pasos pesados
Aventado a toda cabeza
Deletreando frases vivientes
En tres idiomas (Frances, Ingles, y este)
Porque el mas alla no se queda quieto
Ni tan siquiera un solo instante
Menos para los quienes se inquietan
Y aquellos que se desesperan
Bueno, esos salen aun peor.

~ II ~

La Muerte es transcendente
Nuestras almas; ilusion
En esta vida no hay constante
Excepto, vuestra fe y devocion
Tal como Castaneda os dijo
Que Don Juan había dicho:
"El unico camino que debes seguir
Es uno que sobresale rebalsando
Desde tu propio sentir."
Asi que nos toca eligir
Rechasar el misterio con ciencia
Sacrificando lo ideal - o -
Bautisarse con agua pura de consciencia
Cual es la misma energia
Del espacio abierto, universal!

Hear It Read Aloud by the Author (Escuchelo Aca):

4 Bold Responses

ThoseThr3Words-Claire said...

I so wish I could understand this in the language it is written which will be even more eloquent and beautiful! As it is, I had to use Google translator...but I still managed to enjoy the piece. You have a way with words..in many languages.. and I admire your dignity and grandeur and commitment to your 'cause', expressed in your poetry.

Obsidian Eagle said...

Dear Claire (and other Anglophone readers),

In Spanish this poem does not contain any overt first person references (like 'I', 'Me', 'My' or 'Mine'), in fact, "passive voice" is par for the course. That is the only reason that I've been reluctant to translate it to English. However, between the former and Google's awful translation, what follows is by far the lesser of two evils:

Elevated Beings

~ I ~

I fear nothing and no one
Whether I'm treading
Through the avenues of San Salvador
Or over the ruins of Machu Picchu
There I go, with heavy footsteps
Spelling out living phrases
In three languages (French, English and Spanish)
Because the great beyond does not stay still
Less so for those who grow restless
And those who despair
Well, they're worse off yet

~ II ~

Death is transcendent
Our souls; an illusion
In life there are no constants
Except, one's faith and devotion
Like Castaneda told us
That Don Juan had said:
"The only path worth following
Is one that overflows
From within your own heart"
Thus, it is up to us to decide
Reject all mystery with science
Sacrificing the ideal -or-
Baptizing ourselves with
Pure water of consciousness
Which is the same energy
As univeral space, ethereal!

ThoseThr3Words-Claire said...

Thankyou, so much. I realise that, for you, the poem in translation must lose nuances of tone etc, but to my very limited Anglophone eyes and ears - and heart! - it is enduringly beautiful. How apt that you say you are "spelling out living phrases in three languages"..I bow to your talent, sir. The pure water of consciousness, the ethereal energy, is very much alive in this piece. And I love the title.
Thankyou again for taking the time to do this for me and others like myself who are 'linguistically challenged'.


Anonymous said...

I see what you mean about the translations and "losing some of the essence". I enjoyed both versions with a clear preference over the original in Spanish.

Great work.



* Except on Wall of Worthies
whereon rights are retained by respective authors.