Accusing him of selfishness
She is not self-aware
Promotes her work well
But leaves him threadbare
He lays patient siege
Yet her walls are unscalable
Trying to soothe her bruised heart
Which remains unassailable
Every sound from his voice
Backfires without fail
Any action he takes
Her critique does derail
There were once brighter days
When their thoughts were in sync
Mutual vibes; bodies entwined
Now peace falls apart in a blink!
It happens to most of us
Though we dread its arrival
Roads lead to dead ends
Sweet words turn to libel
3 Bold Responses
"It happens to most of us
Though we dread its arrival"
does not the act of dreading
bring those thoughts to fruition?
she... must never have truly
been insync
maybe she thought
in love
you'd come into to light
and let go the dark?
Fantastic! I most certainly have been there as well.
:) thanks for the comment on my site
Instincts is what I use daily
the animals and the universe
have taught me that
my whole life
and I came into the world
with the words "I See"
springing from me
and the thing I see very clearly is
there is no dark
only place the light hasn't been turned on yet
and it is only fear that fills the dark
with evil... it was seen in a mirrow EVIL LIVE
and having some pretty tragic stuff walk
across my life, once you untangle it you see
where it came from...fear, uncertainty, longing and forever keeping yourself hidden.
well so says the moon :)
just her point of view
works in her world anyways
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